1.She points out: "In Shanghai you don't always get the same service as you get in London. "
2.But such is her animus against traditional Christianity that she cannot render quite the same service for the faith she was once devoted to.
3.It will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of it.
4.For this purpose, routes that have the same service broker identifier, service name, and network address are considered to be identical.
5.Due to lack of governance, there can be many variations of the same service that will result in additional development and support costs.
6."I don't know what you're complaining about, " said the counselor, "You're still getting the same service. "
7.However, for the reasons just stated, it is generally recommended than only two versions of the same service be maintained at a time.
8.If multiple instances export the same service, the Proxy binding, by default, load balances the requests among the providing instances.
9.An effective analyst is expected to provide the same service to the business as the doctor provides to the patient.
10.It is hard to see why some students should pay more than others for the same service.